Friday, May 26, 2006

something i'd wear. Posted by Picasa

ditto Posted by Picasa

ditto Posted by Picasa

nice! Posted by Picasa

something i'd wear. Posted by Picasa
Monday, May 22, 2006

a sleeping elmo punk. i love her tiny little paws, her tiny little fuzzy head. i love her soooooooo much. Posted by Picasa

the late hammymo. rest in peace my darling. Posted by Picasa

the famous little nose. Posted by Picasa

elmo and the kueh lapis Posted by Picasa

darling elmo punk and the computer.  Posted by Picasa

actual size. Posted by Picasa

darling again. Posted by Picasa

someone's being greedy. oh i so love love you my little hammy. My precious furball of just a mere 8cm. I love you so so SO MUCH. Posted by Picasa

darling and the nut.. again. Posted by Picasa

my dearest darling elmo :) here she is cautiously eying the camera while holding her precious nut. Posted by Picasa
I'm so so sorry. Will you forgive me?

I just read your stuff, and feel sad. I miss you so much. I wish we could just hang out and get to know each other better. Now, i'm just missing you. Missing you so so much.

Pls call.

I just want to say i'm sorry.

I am.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I feel horribly guilty. And he hasn't said anything. Maybe it's better this way--- so that i don't say anything i oughtn't. And still, i miss him. And i can't stand the fact that i miss him.

Pls call. Then again, maybe don't.

Abba! Helpy me!
Saturday, May 13, 2006

by yaya. Posted by Picasa

by theory.  Posted by Picasa

by raven. Posted by Picasa

nice. love the colour. Posted by Picasa

front shot. Posted by Picasa

upclose shot. Posted by Picasa

nice. by alvin valley. Posted by Picasa

nice. by alvin valley. Posted by Picasa

nice. by alice + olivia.  Posted by Picasa

nice. Posted by Picasa

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